Sermon Notes To view the sermon notes for a specific series click a title below, then click the link for the appropriate sermon. Thankfulness **Current Series** 111024.pdf Created in Christ Jesus for Good Works 090824-_Alive_in_Christ.pdf091524-_A_Better_Story_for_your_Life.pdf092224-_Our_Responsibility_as_Citizens.pdf092924-_Our_Past_Our_Present_Our_Future.pdf100624-_Through_the_Church.pdf102024-_God_s_Perspective.pdf102724-_Final_Encouragement.pdf The Names of God 062324 - Abba Father.pdf063024 - Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Provides.pdf070724 - El Roi - The God Who Sees.pdf071424 - Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is There.pdf072124 - Jehovah Tsuri - The Lord our Rock.pdf080424 - Jesus.pdf081824 - Jesus our Mediator.pdf082524 - Jesus our Judge.pdf090124-_A_Review_of_the_Names_of_God.pdf Stand Alone 042124 - ParentChildDedication.pdf081124 - Love is the Key.pdf110324-Purposeful_in_Bringing_People.pdf